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- November in the Parsonage Garden

November Garden Diary
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“It is Autumn; he is to be with me ere the mists of November come…….
Frosts appear at night; November has sent his fogs in advance; the wind takes its autumn moan; but - he is coming.
The skies hang full and dark – a rack sails from the west; the clouds cast themselves into strange forms – arches and broad radiations; there rise resplendent mornings – glorious, royal, purple as monarch in his state; the heavens are one flame; so wild are they, they rival battle at its thickest so bloody, they shame Victory in her pride.”
(Extract from Villette 1852)
Charlotte paints a vivid picture of November in this extract from Villette. I wonder if it describes Brussels or Haworth at this time of year?
Well, this November so far has been very mild, wet, grey and quite foggy in Haworth. I don’t think I can quite conjure up Charlotte’s picture of November!
The mild weather, however, has allowed us to progress very well in the garden with the final tidying up and cutting back including the collection of bags and bags of leaves that seem to blow in incessantly from the graveyard. I am sure Howard will still be sweeping them up long after we have retired for the winter.
Before we had reached mid month all the garden tools were stored away in dry conditions and blades were well oiled so that they remain in good condition when they re-emerge from their hibernation next year.
The final plantings have now been completed by Jenny from the plants bought last month and we eagerly await their growth and blooms in the spring.
At the end of the month Jenny’s thoughts will turn to the Christmas decorations inside the Parsonage and how she can use the greenery and berries from the garden.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about our gardening year and will return or make a first time visit to the Parsonage whether over the Christmas period or in the early springtime when the snowdrops are showing. 
We look forward to seeing you.
Geoff Taylor
Volunteer Gardener
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