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- September in the Parsonage Garden

September Garden Diary
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Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day.
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
Here we are at the end of September.  It has been a good summer in the garden − warm and wet − there is lots of new growth on the plants and, despite a lack of sunshine, we have had plenty of flower; even now, in late September, we have lots of colour.
Geoff and I are especially pleased with the two new beds that we planted this summer: the bright and fiery Branwell garden and the woodland bed in the front garden.  The abundance of rain has given both of these beds a good start.  We are of course now thinking ahead to next year and how we will celebrate the bicentenary of Emily Brontë in the garden.  We are considering using moorland colours with a wild and free feeling, any suggestions?
As October progresses, we will start our winter close down.  There are shrubs to be cut back and some plants we will want to move and split.  It is always quite a big job for us: Geoff will be making good use of the new hedge trimmer and I will be making good use of my husband Stephen who always comes to help when the going gets tough.
It is sad to bid goodbye to the summer but always, in the garden, we have bigger and better things to come.  I wish you a happy and cosy winter and look forward to reporting our garden news to you again in the spring.
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