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- Spring 2021 in the Parsonage Garden

Our gardeners' blog
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That I might simply fancy there
One little flower – a primrose fair.
Just opening into sight:
As in the days of infancy,
An opening primrose seemed to me
A source of strange delight.
(Extract from Memory by Anne, 1844)

Keeping with Anne’s 200th birthday year (last year), which we were not able to celebrate to the full, we thought we would start our 2021 garden diary with a poem in which Anne extols the love of spring and the coming of summer.
Our band of three gardeners have, intermittently, been busy over the past six months keeping the garden tidy and in a good shape so that when early spring came around and lockdown began to ease, the beds were ready to come into flower. The winter was rather mixed with a lot of rain, some snow and the occasional heavy frost. Although there were a few losses, overall things were not too bad and green shoots now seem to be emerging. Starting with the snowdrops and aconites we are now moving into primroses, daffodils, spring heather and hellebores to name just a few.
We also invested in two very grand and larger planters for the front door to place the two Emily roses that we acquired from her 200th celebrations in 2018. They had clearly outgrown the pots that they were in and we are very hopeful that with some tender loving care they can settle down and give us some wonderful blooms later in the year.
To be fair we must also give Charlotte’s rose a mention too as each year her ‘standard’ in the back garden just keeps on giving. We are mindful though that we must not be complacent and neglect it. Remembering that we should give them all equal attention, including our newly named Anne rose in the ‘library’ bed.
At the time of writing, we are scheduled to fully re-open in mid-May with the shop opening a month earlier. We can’t wait to see people strolling around the garden, enjoying the sunshine before entering the museum. We hope to see you soon!
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