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- Save the Honresfield Library

The campaign to save precious and rare manuscripts for the nation
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We are delighted to be part of a funding consortium, led by the Friends of the National Libraries, to save the Honresfield Library for the nation. 

Earlier this year, it was announced that the fabled Honresfeld Library (also known as the Law Collection) has emerged from myth and obscurity to reveal its extraordinary treasures. This is a library filled with unique and precious British treasures—manuscripts in the hands of Burns, Scott, Austen, and, at its heart, the Brontës.   Saved for the nation, this unrivalled collection will be a source of vital cultural revenue and creative renewal, and provide enjoyment for all lovers of literature for the next 100 years.
We are working in partnership with the British Library, the Brotherton Library, Jane Austen's House, Abbotsford, The Boddleian Library, National Library of Scotland and National Trust (Scotland) to save the Honresfield Library for the nation and share it with visitors, audiences and scholars worldwide. 


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